

Hello Future

Connected, responsible, autonomous: the greenhouse concept imagined by the Alsatian start-up myfood takes on board the key principles of sustainable production and consumption. It condenses them into a daring hybridization between the worlds of digital and agroecology.

Sustainability Mag

This is the story of Mickaël Gandecki, Johan Nazaraly and Matthieu Urban, three digital natives who set up their start-up in 2015. The idea, Greenhouses connected. From the balcony to the urban farm, they are solar, connected, grow vertically, without chemical inputs ... and without effort! Since then, Myfood has been established in 7 European […]

Ouest France

At the Landes school, pupils of the first and second grad class worked throughout the year on various subjects concerning a simple and ecological vacuum mode. This experience continues with a visit to the garden of one of their classmate. Children are sensitized to rainwater harvesting, composting, permaculture tank culture, the preservation of all insects […]

Le Figaro

With an area of 22m2 "this greenhouse can feed a family of 4 people, adds Urban. It produces up to 50 kilos of fish and 350 to 500 kilos of plants a year depending on the varieties. Thus on these famous vertical towers can grow zucchini, salads, cabbages, radishes, aubergines or strawberries ... "Restorers even […]

France Info

"We work vertically, without soil, putting fish and vegetables to produce large quantities of vegetables all year round," says Myfood's Mickaël Gandecki.


 And if the revolution started in your garden? "This is the question posed by Matthieu Urban, one of the three co-founders of Myfood, in the video presentation of this project. This smart greenhouse must allow individuals to easily grow their own vegetables, and perhaps to achieve food self-sufficiency.


myfood designs connected greenhouses for anyone who wants to grow their own food. Designed to be installed at home, in its terrace or garden, greenhouses offer a perfect environment for growing fruits and vegetables. An ideal tool to become a player of its consumption!


Fresh produce – ideally grown locally right in your backyard – is essential to a healthy diet, but with scores of people either lacking the space, time, or knowledge to cultivate their own food, for many that ideal simply isn’t attainable.

Sigfox Blog

A new collective awareness is emerging – we’re taking control of our food system. Many people, however, seem to believe that food autonomy is out of reach. Some lack knowledge, some lack space, while others lack clear information. But myfood is excited to announce that it’s now possible to produce our own food in a […]


In this greenhouse, no pesticides, no herbicides, or anything. Just a mix of permaculture and aquaponics! Explanations.
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